Best essays
Monday, August 24, 2020
Honda Cars
Honda Cars utilizes in its assembling, the best in class offices that set principles on the planet advertise (explicitly in car industry). The organization used a main edge painting office, possesses a full plunge paint framework dependent on CED (Cationic Electro Deposition) shower, to ensure impeccable covering, exact attachment and against consumption. The vehicles produce for the most part by Honda likewise ensures customer’s satisfaction.Honda utilizes severe measures to create quality vehicles all through the worldwide market. The delivered (vehicles) are exposed to severe investigation and testing. The organization tests the items at Vehicle Quality area to limit organization absconds and guarantee that vehicles performed at its peak. Upon discharge to the vendors, the organization decides the items (head and toe, wheel) arrangement at the company’s G-SWAT and front light analyzer. The organization tests the running execution (ideal speed), grasp, breaks, and mov ing levels at Brake Speed Tester. Different tests comprise of Water Leak Tests, Side Slip Test, Visual Inspection and Simulation Test. This test assesses the exhibition of the items at various street condition.Sales/DistributionHonda Cars is predominantly situated in Japan and its branches are spread on the planet advertise. The organization in its nation of origin produces quality and great cost to Japan. Throughout the years, through its prosperity, the organization kept up a sole owner/maker of Honda vehicles. The organization doesn't join other vehicle organizations to grow their creation. The organization kept up its own stlye and makes a symbol in the global market. In the ongoing years (2000-2007, Honda vehicles was pounded by other enormous car organizations on the planet advertise. The company’s presentation of their items in Europe was whipped by American and European-based vehicle organizations. Be that as it may, the organization is still in the line of making and produce vehicles in the worldwide market.General MotorsGeneral Motors/GM was known with its creation of special insides and bodylines. The company’s objective was, ‘To give the best vehicles conceivable to each client in each market around the globe.’ General Motors Corporation is the world’s biggest maker/dealer of vehicles on the planet advertise. Situated in U.S.A., the organization is available in 33 nations with a work rate around 284, 000 individuals around the world. In 2006, General Motors created; â€Å"Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Saab, Saturn and Vauxhall, Buick, Cadillac, Holden, HUMMER, Opel, and Pontiac†.The company’s greatest deals in its nation of origin (U.S.A.), continues by United Kingdom, Canada, China and Germany. The organization made a system to extend its creation on the planet showcase through Minority Dealer Development. It is bilingual in nature; both the sellers and the organization advantage (weighty favorable posi tion to the organization). It is coordinated through various organizations and coordinates in HR (preparing) and dealership.Today, the General Motors approached all through the globe; from nation to nation, urban communities from urban areas, conquering creation of sole owners of vehicles. The organization clears away rivalry among other vehicle organizations and as yet driving the car industry.Sales/DistributionThe organization centers in association to other vehicle organizations around the world and created significant connections to its clients. General Motors is the main/significant investor of GM Daewoo Auto and Technology Co. of South Korea and teams up with Suzuki Motor Corp. furthermore, Isuzu Motors Ltd. of Japan. What's more, the organization occupied with research and innovation headway with BMW AG (Germany), DaimlerChrysler AG and Toyota Motor Corp. (Japan). Likewise, the organization bets contributing Renault SA of France, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. of China, T oyota, AVTOVAZ of Russia and Suzuki.GM Powertain under General Motors put available to be purchased GM motors and transmissions. Parts and Accessories are retailed by means of GM Service and Parts Operations under Gm Performance Parts, ACDelco, and GM Good wrench. This provisions GM businesses and merchants worldwide.Salesperson ProfileSalesperson help clients to get what they need and endeavor to make them keen on purchasing your item/stock. Retail salespersons are exceptionally ‘in demand’ and rivalries in this activity are high. Managers do favor college alumni in deals; college alumni individuals exploit over secondary school graduates.In layman’s term, a decent sales rep needs to have aptitudes in correspondence. He/She don't just require great training yet additionally should be innovative, inventive and with ability in visiting with everyday citizens (purchasers). His/Her ability in causing individuals to trust in his/her items will make him/her best in se lling items/created merchandise. Managers would pick sales rep with ability as opposed to a typical salesperson.Work CitedHonda: The Power of Dreams (2007). URL Recovered September 14, 2007.Mckay, Dawn Rosenberg. Retail Salesperson: Career Information (2007). URL 526064. Recovered September 14, 2007.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Slave Trade Begins in America at Santo Domingo A Research Paper
Presentation The hugeness of slave exchange starting the Americas at Santo Domingo is that Santo Domingo got official community for investigation, association for the triumph of different areas and catch of slaves who were later shipped to the Americas to give work in sugarcane estates (Spielvogel 426).Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Slave Trade Begins in America at Santo Domingo: An explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Spielvogel, the revelation of the Americas in 1490s and the development of sugar ranches in South America and the Caribbean are noteworthy elements which radically changed the goal of slaves for example the goal of slaves changed from Middle Eastern Regions and European Nations to the Americas where they worked in sugarcane estates (426). Hence, Spielvogel attests that slave exchange the Americas thrived, as little American and Indian populaces were changed over into slaves who gave work in sugarcane manors. W hat's more, the Americas assumed a noteworthy job in slave exchange at the tallness of the transoceanic slave exchange the eighteenth century, which saw dark slaves being moved via freight ships from the West African coast to the Americas to give work (428). Towards the finish of the fifteenth century, sugarcane estates were set up by Portuguese off the bank of focal Africa. Later in the sixteenth century, the utilization of slaves in sugarcane estates additionally spread from the Americas to the Caribbean and Eastern Brazilian Coast where sugarcane ranches were generally developed (Spielvogel 424-428). As indicated by Luciano, Santo Domingo, (presently the capital city of the Dominican Republic), is one of the most seasoned American-European settlements established in 1498 by Bartholomew Columbus. The city has had an essential task to carry out, particularly throughout the entire existence of slave exchange and servitude, being known as the â€Å"oldest city in the Americas†(Minster par.1-3). Santo Domingo’s history is entrancing a result of chronicled occasions, for example, privateer exploitation, fascism and slave exercises. The main settlement in Santo Domingo (Navidad) which tumbled to the resentment of locals was comprised of mariners abandoned by Columbus’ first journey after the sinking of one of his boats (Minster 1-3). In his examination of the ‘slave exchange from the Caribbean and Latin America from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century’, Luciano follows Santo Domingo among huge focuses where the exchange African slaves started (83-89). During this period, numerous Negro slaves were brought into Spain from the West-African Coast.Advertising Looking for explore paper on african american? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The revelations and supportive gestures by the Portuguese to â€Å"black birding expeditions†toward the finish of the fifteenth century prompted the slave exchange which later took negroes caught in Africa to domains which were found by Christopher Columbus (the Americas) (Luciano 54-58). As indicated by Luciano, the above event gave a stamped catalyst to servitude and slave exchange; thus, African slaves were required to abuse the riches in the found regions of the Caribbean and Americas which profited colonizers. Luciano likewise sees that it is as of now, particularly before the finish of the fifteenth century, that Negro slaves started to show up at Hispaniola, the Island of Quisqeya, which later became Santo Domingo. The slaves are followed to have originated from bounteous stores situated in Portugal and Andalusia. In any case, as ahead of schedule as 1501, African slaves were brought into Santo Domingo (Luciano 46). Luciano, accordingly, attests that Santo Domingo and the Americas assumed a noteworthy job in slave exchange and was a focal point of spread of the Spanish success and domain to different territories like the Islands of Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Cuba (Luciano 45-46). Another noteworthy factor is that the Americas went about as a middle for accepting African slaves particularly from the more noteworthy Senegambia (Spielvogel 424-428). Practically 50 years before America was found; vanquished and colonized, captives of African beginning, for the most part those from Senegambia, showed up by transport from Portugal and were then sold in Lisbon, a functioning slave showcase. These slaves at last wound up in the Iberian Peninsula and were changed over to Christianity, henceforth, turning out to be Portuguese speakers with some Spanish tongues, the Wolof being the best in number and were called â€Å"Ladino’s†which implied Latinized Africans (Rout 57-58). After American triumph and colonization started, the Iberian Peninsula kept on accepting a convergence of subjugated Africans. These slaves and their relatives turned into the main individuals of African inc eption to be brought into America as â€Å"Ladino’s†. Consequently the essentialness of the Americas in the slave exchange is that it came about to quick journeys particularly from more prominent Senegambia to the Caribbean making early Spanish America be to a great extent involved by individuals of African slip from the Greater Senegambia (Rout 82-90). The Assientos/Licene conceded by the Spanish King is pivotal to make reference to, particularly while investigating the criticalness of the slave exchange starting the Americas at Santo Domingo.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Slave Trade Begins in America at Santo Domingo: An explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Luciano Franco’s examination of the slave exchange from the sixteenth century to the nineteenth century, it is obvious that the period was noteworthy throughout the entire existence of the African slave exchange as the Caribbean provinces started in February 1528, and this is the period when the Spanish lord allowed the first assiento/permit to bring African slaves into the Americas (Spanish American belongings) (Luciano 66). During this period, an uncommon board, Junta De Negros was built up in the Spanish area (Casa de la Contrantacion in Seville) (Minster standard. 6-10). This board was worried about African slave exchange to guarantee consistence with the Assientos/permit. Towards the finish of the fifteenth century, the initial nine-year time frame permit was allowed to Pedro Gomez Reynel to explore the West Indies district and catch Negro slaves. This concession was anyway pulled back later and granted to the Portuguese, which specified the vehicle of Africans from the African locale to the Caribbean (Minster 32-38). Likewise, the criticalness of the Americas in the slave exchange can be clarified by the historical backdrop of slave exchange preceding the foundation of the Royal Company of Adventurers in 1660. In this way somewhere in the range of 1630s and 1640s, the exchange was limited in volume and no association existed with the West Indies or the Americas. This prompted the English slave exchange being begun by John Hawkins somewhere in the range of 1562 and 1569. Afterward, in 1562, John Hawkins carried African slaves from the African shores and transported them to the Spanish district of Santo Domingo where the slaves were traded for gold, sugar and conceals mind the Spanish colonialists (Rout 30-39). The knowledge and crafty way that Hawkins had demonstrated particularly in the Caribbean slave exchange, in any case, didn't deal with the Casa de Contratacion in Seville which would not permit any slight invasion in the Spanish consumed area of exchange, thus, the catching of two boats which Hawkins had send to sell conceals which were to be traded for negro slaves in Santo Domino (Luciano 45-56). What's more, the regal pronouncement of 25th January 1780 which gave the slave sellers of Cuba , Santo Domingo and Puerto Rico the option to get slaves from the French settlements of the Caribbean can additionally be utilized to investigate the above issue. This later prompted free slave exchanging Cuba, Puerto Rico and Santo Domingo under the illustrious announcement of 28th February 1789 which was later reached out by the regal declaration of 24th November 1791 (Minster par.5-9).Advertising Searching for investigate paper on african american? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Hence Santo Domingo was critical in slave exchange as it was given the assent/illustrious pronouncement to take part in facilitated commerce of slaves. A few creators have recommended that the way that Santo Domingo was given the command/declaration to participate in slave exchange suggests that it had recently been occupied with different exercises of slave exchange and bondage (Minster, standard 3-4). The Americas assumed a basic job in slave exchange as it was the inside where the Spanish and the Portuguese set up their frontier realms. Besides, Spain likewise had control of a huge realm toward the south of the Americas. The Americas was likewise basic as it confronted contending interests from the English, Dutch and French. These interests spread from the Americas to different districts for example the Central African Coast trying to make pilgrim realms which saw the spread of the slave exchange (Spielvogel 424-428). As per Spielvogel, the victory of the Americas was instrumental in the extension of slave exchange and subjugation into different pieces of the world. This caused the absolute best and the most noticeably awful types of European colonization. A portion of these events included severe restraints, looting of assets and subjugation which could barely be adjusted by approaches, for example, making of new foundations and cultivating the privileges of indigenous individuals (Spielvogel 424-428). Spielvogel additionally states that the Americas went about as a basic goal for slaves from Africa. From the sixteenth century to the eighteenth century, there was a sensational development in the slave exchange where vendor ships from Europe (for example Portugal, England, France and the Dutch) conveyed made merchandise from Europe, (for example, firearms and fabric) where they were traded for African slaves, who were shipped via load boats to the
Saturday, July 18, 2020
How to Stay Safe in College
How to Stay Safe in College How to Stay Safe in College Home›Education Posts›How to Stay Safe in College Education PostsThough college is the most advantageous and exciting time, it is fraught with danger. While you are in college, you should be very attentive and careful in order not to get into a dangerous situation. For this very reason, offers useful tips to ensure students’ safety in college:• Always check if you locked the room door. Your door should be locked so that strangers cannot enter your room.• Don’t let anyone you don’t know in your dorm. Be very attentive to people who ask you to let them in the dorm. You may let someone in if you recognize their faces since within 1-2 months most students remember their neighbors.• Take care of your keys. If you lost your keys, you should immediately inform your roommate and change door lock.• Don’t forget to lock the windows. You should pay attention not only to locking the door but windows as well.• Record the em ergency numbers in your cell phone. Put important emergency numbers in your phone so that you can make a call in case something is going wrong.• Never go somewhere alone at night. Night time is the most dangerous, therefore, make sure that there is always someone else with you.• Inform others about your location. Let your roommate or friend know where you are and with whom, this will ensure your safety.• Learn the phone number of campus security. You can never guess in what situation you will need the campus security.• Don’t drink too much alcohol. When you are drunk, you cannot control yourself and that is why you become an easy target.• Keep track of drinks. Whenever you are at party, keep an eye on your drink since today many rapes take place because of Rohypnol which can be added to the beverage and leads to difficulty with motor function, disorientation, and sleepiness.Remember that sticking to these tips will help you to stay safe in college!
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Refecting Images of the Body with Computed Tomography
Question 1: The computed tomography (CT) scan is a procedure that uses x-rays and digital technology to construct conception of the body. It can make a reflection of every part of the body, for example bone and blood vessels.CT scans are used to examine the inner structures of the body which cannot be seen by human eye.Examples are blood cots or tumors.CT scan can also be used to measure precisely the density of bone in assess osteoporosis. Question 2: The writers draw out that CT scans can be useful and harmful to us.CT scans can be used to detect the diseases in your body but at the same time,it can also harm our body due to the expose to radiation which can possibly cause cancer.CT scans is good at identifying diseases fast for the patient to get treatment immediately but it is actually giving out lots of radiation which may cause cancer.CT scans is indifferent depending on the situation. Question 3: CT scan is a fast and painless way to diagnose diseases which human eyes cannot detect.Although CT scan is not a cure for the disease but it is sure to facillate the diagnosis.This is important as it may be used to detect life-threatening diseases which may need an immediate treatment.People normally abuses the use of CT scans and these people may have a higher chance of getting cancer as they are exposed to a huge amount of radiation.The more and often you are exposed to radiation,the higher chance you would probably get cancer.Although CT scans is
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Children And Obesity / Nutrition - 1123 Words
Children and obesity /nutrition Because eating is second only to breathing . it is a critical survival behavior , its not a disease, so it can be interchangeable. It tends to be more autonomic, and stimulated more than any other behavior we are engaged in.That’s why eating is not a rational behavior, or a cognitive behavior, it stimulates the senses , such as: touch or smell . eating is instinctual, and may be controlling. In addition to this kind of mindless eating, it is part of our DNA. Eating is essential for our survival, which is passed on through evolution. Our brains are programmed to respond to food by secreting a necrohormone, called dopamine. This hormone is believed to be responsible for the urge to act on our own desires. Dopamine is tied to our natural opioid system , which gives us a sense of pleasure, and well-being. It is a secretion that automatically is triggered by novelty. Novelty,. It is something usual or unique. It creates cravings or desire in our brains.( be it food or d rug) It has been documented that portion sizes in restaurant chains has increased over the past thirty years. Also bulk packaging foods , in supermarkets has become larger. The increased portion sizes are responsible for part of the obesity academic. Also in our society, families are eating out more often. Nearly half of our own food dollars are spent on meals away from home, basically, because of work habits. We are growing economically in theShow MoreRelatedU.s School Food Regulation For Public Schools Essay1543 Words  | 7 PagesAmerican public schools have poor nutrition, and it causes obesity in teenagers. As a former student of the American public school systems, the condition of the food has been a problem for years. Over the past two decades, obesity has been an issue in the U.S, and it is due to poor school nutrition. The public schools lack a variation in the healthy meals they contain. Inadequate nutrition can lead to an abundance of health problems. Although spending money on food can be expensive, the governmentRead MorePolicy Priority Issue : The Childhood Obesity Essay1614 Words  | 7 PagesPolicy priority issue: The childhood obesity Childhood obesity is one of the major public health challenges of the 21st century. The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally. In 2013, the number of overweight children under the age of five was estimated over 42 million. Childhood obesity can cause premature death and disability in adulthood. Overweight and obese children will grow up to become obese adults and are more likely to develop diseases like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes at aRead MoreChildhood Obesity Essay1582 Words  | 7 PagesPrevalence of Obesity in Montgomery County Maryland Child obesity have been increased in recent years in Montgomery county of Maryland. According to Montgomery County Health Alliance â€Å"23.5% of children (ages 6–17 years of age) are at-risk for obesity (BMI-for-age percentile of 85 or higher)†(Maryland Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan, 2016). Obesity in children have a great impact on physical and psychological health effects. Overweight children are prone to obesity even in adulthood, leadingRead MoreThe Nutrition Improvement Of Childhood Obesity And China, Calls For Quick And Effective Interventions Essay1436 Words  | 6 Pages Considering the increasing dilemma that is childhood obesity in China, calls for quick and effective interventions. According to He et al. (2014) limiting the availability of the obesogenic foods, raising the taxes of the fast foods, and increasing awareness in children should be considered as possible options. Other articles like Zhang et al. (2015) explained that interventions should focus on taking measures to improve dietary patterns in children’s lives. The Chinese government has decided toRead MoreNutrition Issues Essay952 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Nutrition Issues Rita Wynn ECE 214: Nutrition and Health of Children and Families Instructor: Sandy Jungman August 4, 2014 Nutrition Issues â€Å"Approximately 17 %( or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are obese.†(CDC). Therefore, proper health and nutrition is critical to the growth and development of young children. Many of our Americans are suffering from these nutrition issues. Media and its promotion of junk food is one wayRead MoreObesity Is Defined As Excess Body Weight That Has A Negative Impact On Self Esteem943 Words  | 4 PagesThe Problem Obesity is defined as excess body weight that has a negative impact on self-esteem and also contributes to a spectrum of comorbidities, which include type II diabetes, hypertension, multiple cancers and cardiovascular diseases. The result of obesity is a diminished life expectancy and quality of life. Unfortunately, obesity costs have hurt our economy because the U.S. government spends billions of dollars in health care expenses annually, and the trouble does not stop there. In 2012Read MoreThe recent changes in the school lunch and program Essay970 Words  | 4 PagesThe recent changes in the breakfast and lunch programs in the schools have significant impact on the nutritional status of children and in fighting obesity which is a national problem. State and federal governments have issued laws and regulations to minimize the problem. This paper summarizes the major issues and concerns on economic situation and health. It also presents the process and benefits of the program. Economic Situation One of the issues related with the recent change in school lunchRead MoreNutrition And Weight Status : Preventing Childhood Obesity1478 Words  | 6 PagesNutrition and Weight Status: Preventing Childhood Obesity A healthy diet is the foundation for achieving a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition, the intake of food in order to provide the body with its dietary needs, is important when referring to a healthy diet (Potter, Perry, Stockert Hall, 2013). Nutrition is good when the body receives the essentially balanced nourishment required to sustain life and successfully perform bodily functions. However, poor nutrition can result in decreased productivityRead MoreThe Healthy People 2020 Objective Nutrition And Weight Status Essay1451 Words  | 6 PagesThe Healthy People 2020 objective Nutrition and Weight Status has a goal of improving the diet of Americans, thus improving their overall health. â€Å"Diet quality is critically important to the prevention of many types of chronic disease†(Wilson et al, 2015, p. 302.) According to Healthy People 2020 (2014), â€Å"a healthful diet helps Americans reduce their risks for many health conditions, including: overweight and obesity, malnutriti on, iron-deficiency anemia, heart disease, high blood pressure, dyslipidemiaRead MoreIs School Nutrition A Contributor? Childhood Obesity?1619 Words  | 7 Pages Methods Question: Is school nutrition a major contributor to childhood obesity? Date of Literature Review: October 2014 Inclusion Criteria †¢ Age: school aged children (4-18 years old) †¢ Setting: Public and private school systems in the US. †¢ Health Status: Any †¢ Nutrition-Related Problem or Condition: Obese or overweight and consuming at least lunch in a school setting. †¢ Study Design Preference: Cross-sectional studies, large randomized observational studies, time series studies. †¢ Size of Study
Good Command for English Free Essays
Now, the world is becoming smaller than before just because of advancement of technology and knowledge. Every person has different ideas, knowledge and strength and wants to share them with other person. There is no accepted and established common language for all other than English. We will write a custom essay sample on Good Command for English or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is medium language between to languages and cultures. In the course of our business or work, any where in the world, there is always possibility to come across with the people of different languages and cultures and we can simplify this situation with the help of English. We can do nothing, without having a good command of English, if we intend to do something good we like, coming out from our home. A good command of English is very necessary for the progression of my carrier in that by and large it is the most spoken language in the globe. I have a vision to connect to as many people as possible and to share issues with people of different levels and capacities. Should i use Kiswahilli or my Ateso language that some people may have not even hard of? I know quite good English but still admire those best English communicators. Friends i tell you what, i have already registered for the Advanced Business English Diploma and will soon be getting my desire fulfilled. It is extremely important to have a good command of English in almost all spheres of one’s working life and otherwise but in your career it gives you more confident in delivering both verbal and written correspondence. How to cite Good Command for English, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Yield Management in Hotels
Examination of the concept and procedure of yield management used in the hotel industry today Examination of the concept of yield management in the flourishing hotel industry is extremely essential in obtaining maximum yields from this industry. I will commence by explaining in much details what we mean by yield management especially in the hotel industry. To be precise, this term generally refers to an activity greatly used in the lodging and transportation industries in an attempt to maximize profit.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Yield Management in Hotels specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is generally a measure to skyrocket revenues and the profits. It refers to a procedure that deals with establishment of different prices for the services that are the same and then subsequent allocation of these services in a manner that increases the revenue. Within a hotel set up, there should be a preliminary way of r oom allocation for a given period. This measure will ensure that there are many alternatives in terms of pricing. This will result into accountability for all the rooms found in that particular hotel (Kumar 2010). Yield management concept has never been new to hoteliers. Both staff with much experience and those with little experience carry out this practice. They do this with a talent that is variable. They anticipate demand that is overall for given periods like days, weeks or even years. Revenue/yield management is normally a discipline that is economic in nature. It is normally relevant to a myriad of industries that offer service to clients. In this case, service segments in the market pricing are added to analyze statistics. This enhances expansion of the market for an increase in the revenue or yield per each unit of capacity. Forecasting of demand characterizes management of yields in hotels. It utilizes optimal procedures in the determination of requests on booking to compl y with the objective of maximizing profit. Nearly all main hotel chains like Hilton practice simple or compound yield management procedures. This is to ensure maintenance of control systems in the inventory. These hotels have come up with their own hardware and software measurements combined with corporate systems in screening of the market for profit maximization (Ismael 2002). Strategies used in hotels to maximize occupancy and maximum rate to achieve maximum revenue In order to maximize profits, serious hoteliers pay a lot of attention to the following key areas: Bookings, cash flow, and customers. In most cases, they are the top and key areas for the hotelier to ensure profit maximization. The hotelier should put the above items into reality in order to make them tangible and functional.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They also require much effective strategies, which can work well on all aspects of operations in a hotel. These strategies can be applied in sales, profit management, and marketing. Therefore, the following are the strategies that hoteliers need to put into application to ensure maximum yields (Jagels 2006). One, they require to practice what we call revenue management strategy. It is very important for hoteliers to possess an effective and efficient profit management strategy. This is to ensure that the enterprise is imperative in the much competitive market of today. A good system also ensures that managers avoid controlling prices and other important variables in a manner that is proactive instead of a manner that is reactive. The second strategy is a strategy whereby hotel managers forget completely about the computer set system. They should in turn embrace the online set system. Forgetting the traditional computer set system completely is inevitable for them. The focus should be on the comparison of their price with that of all their competitors within a given destination. Through possession of the whole picture, there would be a rise in their capacity in terms of generation of bookings that are very high. The third strategy is the strategy called, â€Å"Go fourth and integrate†. Integration is important in increasing efficiencies of all operations in the hotel. Instead of using multiple systems or even tools that cannot coincide with each other, they should use a more consolidated system. Putting this system into place avoids that scenario. It should be very much user friendly and should give high optimization flexibility in terms of pricing. There should also be a distribution that is online and a webpage that is competitive in terms of positioning and control of the inventory (Jagels 2006). Another strategy put into use is having a booking channel that is new. This becomes possible through getting your mobile on. Hoteliers should consider coming up with a website called mobile Commerce. In this particular website, customers can hastily access the hotel and the information they require. They can directly book from their respective mobile phones. This saves on cost and time.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Yield Management in Hotels specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There should also be proper management of different channels in the hotel. Hotels should ensure availability of room inventory that is present for buying in all channels. These channels are normally available. In order to seduce the customers to come to their respective hotels, the rates across all the available networks should be equal. The use and role of technology in yield management in hotels Systems of technology enhance hotel stakeholders with tactics to improve sales and revenue. Proper management of revenue normally ensures improvements in profit margins. Through subdivision of a particular meal into its constituent sections, a manag er may get to know exactly the particular systems to put into application at a given stage in order to provide the highest revenue margins in a given hotel. In technology adoption, it is always necessary for the managers to carry out analysis in finance. This will aid in determining whether the cost of technology will be greater than that during the period the business began. This is reflected in terms of improvements in revenue. Given that monetary mathematics is favourable, the hotel management should think of returns to both the hotel customers and employees. They must also factor in the issue of consumer and employees views. This should be in terms of utility in technology and their ease in terms of use. In devoid of these important articulations in place, technology will be at a point of having little success despite how much promising the financial benefit may be. â€Å"The latest eTRACK Full Year 2009 report on hotel bookings demonstrated that today, online channel is the so le channel of growth in the hospitality industry (Jagels 2006, p.39). This enhances shifting from offline to online bookings in the hotel industry because of reducing voice channels. Technology at Hilton Hotel Corporation Hilton Hotel Corporation runs a chain of hotels in almost all continents in the world. It is therefore a worldwide business venture in the hotel industry. In May 2003, it came up with an IT system that they called OnQ (Cuneo 2003) The Hilton considered that there was need to embrace technology as their future financial prosperity in terms of profit margins depended on it. The top management recognized the fact that to continue growing, technology was inevitable. OnQ was able to integrate all the office operations. There was an initiative to provide picture profiles of hotel customers to the hotel workers. The guest profile was an inclusion of customer’s recent stays and a writing of any difficulties the customer may have experienced.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Other technologies used at the Hilton include computers, mobile telephones and many others. Both customers and hotel staff make telephone calls when it comes to booking of rooms. Computers are normally used in data entry and recording. The hotel staff enters customer details into their database to monitor the customer stay at the hotel facility. It is also very important for the hotel management to ensure that there is security surveillance. This is to enhance customer safety during his or her stay within the hotel premises. Digital cameras installation within the rooms and at strategic points within the hotel building ensures observation of each activity that take place inside the hotel. In case of a crime being committed within the hotel premises, it will be easy for hotel staff to establish under which circumstances the crime occurred. In conclusion, without embracing technology with both hands, stakeholders in the hotel sub sector will continue to report a decrease in revenues. Technology is thus a thorny issue that hotel management has to be keen on to ensure yield management (Cross 1997). Reference List Cross, R., 1997. Revenue Management: Hard-Core Tactics for Market Domination. New York, NY: Broadway Books. Cuneo, E., 2003. Hilton’s $50 Million Answer. 2nd ed. Chicago: John Hopkins Publishers. Jagels, R., 2006. Hospitality Management Accounting. New York: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.. Ismael, A., 2002. Front Office Operators and Management. New York: Thomson Delmar. Kumar, E., 2010. Marketing Of Hospitality and Tourism. New York: Thomson Delmar. This report on Yield Management in Hotels was written and submitted by user Jaiden Hardy to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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